Everything in life is uncertain.  Our only certainty is death.  Since we were little, we have somehow learned to live with uncertainty.  We know that we do not have all the possible information, which would give us the certainty of something;  in some way, the uncertainty is managed so as not to paralyze us.  If on the one hand we have uncertainty, on the other, we have the impulse to move forward, to risk, from our knowledge, the situation and some kind of evaluation of the impulse / uncertainty relationship.
The acquisition of experience comes from obtaining enough information to realistically assess the degree of uncertainty of the occasion.  With each new situation, we almost automatically compare with our arsenal of information and previous experiences, and process the impulse / certainty relationship before proceeding.
It is evident that some uncertainties affect us little, do not concern us or are so far apart that they do not compromise our lives.  Already other uncertainties are close, affect us directly or are within us (uncertainties about decisions to be made and often define our life).  LOOK FOR A HELP WITH A PSYCHOLOGIST (A).
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SOME INFORMATION Mônica Mathias de Faria (Psychologist / Psychotherapist / Floral Therapist and Hypnotherapist) Specialist in the Jungian and CBT (Behavioral Cognitive Therapy) approaches.  Specialist in the Health and Hospital Area by PUC SP;  Specialist in Obesity and Obesity Morbid by USP SP;  Specialist in Oncology, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein SP;  Floral Therapy by the International Flower Essence Training Program of Fox Mountain and by The International Training Program Learning to use Healingherbs;  Clinical Hypnotherapy by the Institute of Hypnotherapy Lucas Naves …. among others …. I work with techniques of Psychoneuroimmunology and Experience of 25 years!  I do private care in a doctor’s office (at night) and at home (Morumbi).  Attending the Covenants: Bradesco Top and South America (morning and afternoon) at night only private.                                                E-Mail: Instagram:                                                                                          LinkedIn:                                                                                                                Facebook:                                                                              Twitter:                                                                                             YouTube:                                                        Whatsaap:                               5511999747707.